Les séries de genre au Québec : État des lieux et perspectives

Tuesday, August 18 – 2pm (EDT)

Panelists: Stéphane Lapointe, Maude Morissette, Éric Piccoli, Jean-François Rivard and Patrick Senécal.

Moderated by Marc Lamothe

With the advent of genre series exploding all over Netflix, Amazon Prime and the streaming platforms of this world, fans have access to a formidable choice of high-calibre international series. But what about in Quebec? If recent series such as C'EST COMME ÇA QUE T'AIME, PATRICK SENÉCAL PRÉSENTE, FAITS DIVERS, JE VOUDRAIS QU'ON M'EFFACE or LA DUMP are any indication, the viewer is currently well served. We will present a panel with five Quebec filmmakers involved in the production of some of the best genre television series of the moment, and discuss the challenges and opportunities of this rapidly evolving and growing media. What are the short-term issues and long-term potential of this medium? What place do we give to Quebec's diverse and under-represented communities on screen in Quebec? This panel will be moderated in French.