International Premiere
Selection 2021

How To Spend Your First Night

Directed by Oyunbaatar Bavuunai, Enkhtulga Battulga

Virtual Screening
PRESENTED WITH Georama Boy, Panorama Girl



Enkhtulga Battulga, Oyunbaatar Bavuunai


Sarnai Jargalsaikhan, Tsenguun Azjargal, Magsarjav Narantuya, Anu-Ujin Tsetsegmaa


Culture Distributor LLC

Mongolia 2020 44 mins OV Mongolian Subtitles : English
Genre Fantasy

High-school seniors Ninjin and Erool have been dating for two years, and are planning to take the next step. Each anxiously prepares for their first time, consulting with their best friends – and in Ninjin’s case, with Z.OE 41, a VR technology that functions as a dream guide. A charming slice of giddy teen drama with a science-fiction twist, HOW TO SPEND YOUR FIRST NIGHT is part of the popular Mongolian TV series Z.OE 41, a thoughtful, varied anthology of tales linked by the tech of the title. – Rupert Bottenberg